IMG 5960

Au-delà — Rit­u­als for a new world

In Par­i­js bezocht ik de ten­toon­stelling Au-delà in de kun­stru­imte Lafayette Anticipations:

Bring­ing togeth­er artists from across dif­fer­ent gen­er­a­tions, Au-delà trans­forms Lafayette Antic­i­pa­tions into a jour­ney evok­ing rit­u­als at once ancient and con­tem­po­rary, indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive, pagan and divine, in the search of a new sacred, a new uni­fy­ing force.

While the world becomes increas­ing­ly wound­ed and des­e­crat­ed and peo­ple seem more detached from the mag­ic and pow­er of the earth, the desire to invent and rein­vent rit­u­als and lan­guages which would enable us to reach the sacred can be seen as a reac­tion to the degra­da­tion of the liv­ing, a coun­ter­cul­ture respond­ing to the gen­er­al pro­fan­i­ty of life. 

The sub­ject of rit­u­al — what makes us chant and dance, laugh and cry, dwell and tran­scend — tells a part of the his­to­ry of our human­i­ty while also out­lin­ing the one we hope to invent. Unfold­ing like a chore­o­graphed rite itself through new, as well as rarely exhib­it­ed his­tor­i­cal, mod­ern, and con­tem­po­rary works from the fields of art, music, fash­ion, and the­atre, Au-delà takes us into a world in con­stant trans­for­ma­tion, pulling us beyond”, deep­er into our­selves and through the lay­ers of time in order to rein­force our pres­ence in the now.

Matthew Angelo Harrison
overzicht met werk van zand van Bianca Bondi
Boek van Hildegard von Bingen, Liber scivias, 1151
Bianca Bondi
Tau Lewis
Anna Zemánková
Ana Mendieta
Bianca Bondi
Jeanne Viscerial
Ivana Basic (detail van werk)
Korakrit Arunanondchai
Alicia Adamorovich
Alicia Adamerovich