James Lee Byars, The Perfect Kiss, M HKA in Antwerpen
James Lee Byars: The Perfect Kiss, 1975; performance.De titel van de tentoonstelling verwijst deze performance:
Byars has also translated a single sentence into a brief one act play. He refers to the piece as being simultaneously ’a prayer a poem and a play.’ The piece consists of Byars, dressed in black, entering the Museum lobby and stationing himself in a spot-lit corner of the room. He faces the lobby entrance and forms a kiss with a subtle gesture of his lips, after which he quietly leaves the room. (performed at Bampfa and late at other places)
The Perfect Kiss is a single poetic idea translated into a brief poetic act. Speaking of the work, Byars remarks, ’It is a mystical expression of my appreciation of the world.’
JLB in Amsterdam : Op 1 Januari 1981, om 1 uur ‘s nachts, vierden James Lee Byars en Stichting De Appel in het Palmhuis van de Hortus Botanicus te Amsterdam het begin van de tentoonstelling JLB. Iedere gast werd ontvangen met een glas champagne en de woorden: “Dit is een toost op de opening van de tentoonstelling JLB die begint op het eerste moment en eindigt op het laatste moment van dit jaar”. Er werden gelukskoekjes geserveerd waarin teksten verborgen zaten over afwezigheid en aanwezigheid. Enkele van deze teksten luidden: ‘I dote on his very absence’ (Shakespeare), ‘A tinkling piano in the next apartment… These foolish things remind me of you’ (Cole Porter), ‘The absence is only present in hiding itself…’ (M. Duras), ‘Een mens is nooit te ver om te bellen’ (PTT), ‘Absent in body, but present in spirit (Romans 5:3), ‘Absence has placed her in a faster light’ (Young), ‘Door afwezigheid schitteren’, ‘Proxy: The authority to act for another’, ‘We look at it (Tao) and do not see it; Its name is the Invisible (Lao-tzu)’, ‘Vision is the art of seeing things invisible’ (J. Swift), ‘Schilderkunst maakt de afwezige aanwezig ‘ (Alberti, De la Pittura) en ‘The perfect presence’ (JLB). Ook werden de performances The perfect kiss, The perfect cheek en The perfect fragrance uitgevoerd. Gedurende de tentoonstelling JLB – die duurde van 1 januari tot en met 31 december 1981 – zou de kunstenaar opdrachten geven aan De Appel, die de stichting zoveel mogelijk probeerde uit te voeren.
Eens te meer besef je dat alle voorwerpen in de tentoonstelling overblijfselen zijn van performances, happenings, handelingen, wandelingen.
Het tijdschrift Frieze schreef: By and large, what we are seeing are sheddings – the dead matter of performance, accessories for anecdotes. Pools of brightly coloured silk, part-extended along low plinths wait to be activated as shared garments for a multitude. Artist books remain untouchable as artefacts. There is crackly 1970s television footage of actions, happenings and performances.
Maar ik vond de stilte van overblijfselen omringde wel intens en zen, voor mij waren die minimale resten alsnog magisch.
James Lee Byars: statements
1. I am a mystic
2. ask my best
3. I write the world’s simplest poems
4. I think so
5. philosophy is news
6. thinking is my first quality
7. glimpse is enough
8. the only prerequisite is that you should be excited about something
9. you can say anything about anything
10. hypothesis doesn’t exist
March 1978
James Lee Byars: questions
1. which questions have disappeared?
2. I can repeat the question but am I bright enough to ask it?
3. if you ask for something that doesn’t exist do you deserve it on the intelligence of the request?
March 1978